15 Aug 2024
Seminar über die Physik der kondensierten Materie (SFB/TRR173 Spin+X und SFB/TR288 Kolloquium, TopDyn-Seminar)
JGU 14:00 Uhr s.t., 01 122 Newton-Raum |
Prof. Shixun Cao, Institute for Quantum Science and Technology Shanghai University | |
This presentation is to introduce our published science paper (Science 361, 794–797 (2018)), which is a cooperation work of Shanghai University and Rice University, Osaka University, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Argonne National Laboratories, Peking University, Universität Duisburg-Essen, and Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. The main point of this work is as follows:
The interaction of N two-level atoms with a single-mode light field is an extensively studied many-body problem in quantum optics, first analyzed by Dicke in the context of superradiance. A characteristic of such systems is the cooperative enhancement of the coupling strength by a factor of N1/2. In this study, we extended this cooperatively enhanced coupling to a solid-state system, demonstrating that it also occurs in a magnetic solid in the form of matter-matter interaction. Specifically, the exchange interaction of N paramagnetic erbium(III) (Er3+) spins with an iron(III) (Fe3+) magnon field in erbium orthoferrite (ErFeO3) exhibits a vacuum Rabi splitting whose magnitude is proportional to N1/2. Our results provide a route for understanding, controlling, and predicting novel phases of condensed matter using concepts and tools available in quantum optics.
And the Science journal introduces this work as: One of the earliest and most intensively studied problems in quantum optics is the interaction of a two-level system (an atom) with a single photon. This simple system provides a rich platform for exploring exotic light-matter interactions and the emergence of more complex phenomena such as superradiance, which is a cooperative effect that emerges when the density of atoms is increased and coupling between them is enhanced. Going beyond the light-matter system, Li et al. observed analogous cooperative effects for coupled magnetic systems. The results suggest that ideas in quantum optics could be carried over and used to control and predict exotic phases in condensed matter systems.
email: sxcao@shu.edu.cn (S.C.) | |